Saturday, June 28, 2014

Selfie cam and real photos!!

So I had real photographers there but I ran around taking my own selfies on my phone with my friends so if you want to see these, they are on my FB! So check them out! More real photos to come as I get them!

Also, another close family friend took casual photos throughout the wedding which are so beautiful! Check them out as well!! Thank you so much Mr. Moore for taking these! We love them!

Thank you everyone for coming and enjoying our beautiful day with us!

Sarah & Ethan

Sunday, June 22, 2014


So the first question everyone asks when I say Rockwood Manor Park is "So its outside?" The answer is that the ceremony IS outside and the reception is inside.

So what if it rains?
The answer is we have it inside in the reception area. 

The back up plan provided by the park is that we have the wedding sitting in our reception seats inside the building...
This is not my favorite plan. So first, we pray it doesn't rain. Right now some forecasts are saying it may while others are saying it won't. This is still 5 days away so there is time for this to change. 
In the situation where it does rain however, we will most likely be doing room rearranging between the ceremony and reception to create a better setup for both. 

So pray it doesn't rain and be prepared to bare with us if it does, but either way the wedding will go on so be there! 
Ethan & Sarah 

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Registry!

Short story:
Wedding Republic:

Long story:
With so many friends/family members getting married, we've looked through all the registries. We've seen all the practical ideas which we wouldn't think of and laughed at the impractical things we'd never use. We looked at registries for stores we've never heard of and stores we know all too well. From Pottery Barn to Bed Bath & Beyond to Wal-Mart, there are a lot of options for registries. Somehow we did manage to narrow it down to two simple, online registries: Amazon and Wedding Republic. Long story:

I'm sure you've all heard of and hopefully used Amazon once in your lifetime. If you haven't, its a wonderful site we'd recommend for all people just crawling out from under a rock. On Amazon, it was easy to pick items we want from a bunch of different stores, review the rating, and compare similar products. We have slimmed the list down to what seems to be the best fit for us. Products you buy off the list will be shipping right to us! This saves you the trouble of having to transport and wrap it, and saves us the trouble of having to transport it back home! Adding gift wrapping is completely optionally, we'll love it and use it the same either way! If its easier for you to buy an item from a store directly, that's always an option! Just shoot us an email that you bought it and we can mark it off the registry online for you! Or if you've personally tried a better version of a product, purchase that for us instead!
The Amazon registry can be found here!

The other site, Wedding Republic, is most likely new to you! It was new to us as well! The idea is that you send money to us with specific purposes. There are a lot of sites like this around the internet, just search "alternative registries" and they'll all come up. This one from reviews was the most customizable and easiest to use. This is for those of you who would rather give money or split part of a whole more expensive present. This registry includes things like our tv, our honeymoon and our first filling of the fridge. A lot of these types of sites charge a fee of about 6-10 percent of the final amount the couple receives or charges 6-10 percent to the person donating. This site takes the second approach and charges a 5.5% fee in a similar fashion to charging sales tax at the end of a sale, which you'd pay anyways when purchasing an item somewhere else (for many of us, sales tax is 6%, but since Wedding Republic doesn't charge sales tax, it's roughly the same or even a few dollars cheaper). This fee goes to supporting and managing the site as an alternative to charging to register. 
The wedding republic registry can be found here!

As you look through both options, please know that we have carefully planned both sites! The second one is not a cop-out of buying a real gift but really an equally or even more appreciated alternative. The items on both lists have been carefully considered and selected to benefit us greatly! As you look through the Amazon site or look on your own, know I love purple and would love to have it in our kitchen! Our current housing has green walls and our bathroom is blue themed! So use those as guidelines for anything you wish to buy!  We will have a place for gifts at our wedding and an address on the registry if you want to direct ship it!

We have both been blessed greatly by the care and support of our friends and family. Gifts are by no means required and much less important than your attendance at our wedding and prayers for our future!

Ethan and Sarah 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Our Venue!

So our venue is a Montgomery County Parks venue! Rockwood Manor is absolutely beautiful! I am so excited about it as a whole and it is a major answer to prayer. The venue has an outside ceremony area we will be using and an inside reception area located right behind the ceremony area. 

Rockwood Manor is in Potomac MD (about 30 minutes from Covenant Life Church) off exit 41 on the beltway. We will be posting more specific directions on getting there, parking, etc. 

Welcome to Rockwood ManorHistory of the building (From their website)- "Built in the 1920s, the Manor was the former country estate of Carolyn Gangwer Caughey (pronounced "coy"). Nestled in 30 acres of woods and steps away from the C&O Canal" Rockwood was the girl scouts headquarters for a number of years after the death of Carolyn Caughey then was passed along to county when it became too much to maintain. The Manor is considered a hidden gem of Montgomery county. The building is now a park used for social and work events. They still host girl scout events in the cabins and many of the rooms are named in honor of them. 

I stole some photos from the website to give you all an idea or sneak peek of the beauty of Rockwood Manor.

Obviously this is not exactly how our wedding will be set up but an idea!
Hines_Jones_RachaelFosterPhotography_RachaelFosterPhotography120428153356_0Flagstone Patio 

brooke hall